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My A-ha Dream: Hanging Out with Lauren Savoy

Hi. So in this blog, I will also be writing down all the dreams I had about a-ha. For memories. I had quite a few dreams before this one, just haven't written them down yet. It will be for next time. While this new one was still fresh, I thought I write about this one first. I dreamed about it last night. This a-ha dream was probably the longest one I can remember, normally it's just two scenes/places, but this felt really like a whole day and I could feel me being tired. But this one is the most random one I've had, and my first time with Lauren. It started with me being in a public space, I remember I was with my uncle and all of a sudden came  Pål  and Lauren! Of course I approached and asked for a picture. "Can I take a picture with you guys?" I asked  Pål politely and almost scared of him rejecting my request. But he said, "Of course" with a completely flat face. He was in a sunglass and a beanie, while Lauren in an all-black clothes behind h

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